  1. Whorebath

From the recording Between Nothing and Everything


Years of protecting, Years of rejecting
They'd finally let me be...
Had enough of their shit, A square peg never fits
Fuck it all I'll just be me...
It was never about forever
The sickness wouldn't set me free...
I was torn and then reborn
Until your lies blinded me

Blinded as I was and seduced into trusting a lying bitch who never gave a fuck...
I wished for a dream come true
But you were nothing more than a narcissistic whore and you treated me like shit I deserved so much more...
I washed myself clean of you.

It was all shit, you gave me a load of it
something disgusting you called "love"..
Hungry for more I wasn't looking for,
When you got bored, push came to shove...
You were my fetter, you found something better,
You were never in love but I'll rise above.
At first I was sad, now I'm really glad
Your colors shone through...cos now I'm free.

Blinded as I was and seduced into trusting a lying bitch who never gave a fuck...
I wished for a dream come true
But you were nothing more than a narcissistic whore and you treated me like shit I deserved so much more...
I washed myself clean of you.

Convinced abuse was love and I'd never rise above...I didn't have the nerve so I got what I deserved
You were my dream come true
But you were nothing more than a narcissistic whore and you treated me like shit I deserved so much more...
I washed myself clean of you

Washed myself clean of you!